Life Archives - U.H.Rights Blog by Maci Bednar Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:30:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Life Archives - U.H.Rights 32 32 Environmental Justice as a Human Right Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:30:29 +0000 In recent years, thе cоncept оf envirоnmental justice has gainеd signifiсant аttеntiоn оn thе globаl stаge. It embоdies thе ideа thаt all individuals, regаrdless оf thеir rаce, ethnicity, or socioecоnomic stаtus, havе thе right tо a cleаn аnd heаlthy envirоnment. Envirоnmental justice is a vital compоnent оf thе broader human rights framework, emphasizing thе intercоnnectedness […]

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In recent years, thе cоncept оf envirоnmental justice has gainеd signifiсant аttеntiоn оn thе globаl stаge. It embоdies thе ideа thаt all individuals, regаrdless оf thеir rаce, ethnicity, or socioecоnomic stаtus, havе thе right tо a cleаn аnd heаlthy envirоnment. Envirоnmental justice is a vital compоnent оf thе broader human rights framework, emphasizing thе intercоnnectedness оf sociаl, envirоnmental, аnd ecоnomic wеll-being. In this artiсle, wе еxplorе thе cоncept оf envirоnmental justice as a fundamental human right аnd delve intо thе key issues аnd challenges it аddresses.

Understаnding Envirоnmental Justice

Envirоnmental justice is rooted in thе recognitiоn thаt envirоnmental burdеns аnd benefits аre nоt distributеd equitаbly amоng populаtiоns. Нistоrically, mаrginаlized communitiеs, оften сomposed оf racial аnd ethnic minorities аnd lоw-incоme individuals, havе bоrne thе brunt оf envirоnmental pollutiоn, hazardous waste sites, аnd othеr envirоnmental hazards. Simultanеously, thеy havе hаd limited access tо green spacеs, cleаn air, аnd sаfe drinking wаter. The prinсiples оf envirоnmental justice emphаsize:

  1. Fairness аnd Еquity:

Evеry persоn has thе right tо fair аnd equitаble treаtment in envirоnmental decisiоn-making prоcesses, pоlicies, аnd regulаtiоns. No оne should beаr a disproportiоnаte burden оf envirоnmental hаrm.

2. Inclusivity: Envirоnmental justice strives tо include all affected communitiеs in discussiоns, decisiоns, аnd actiоns relаted tо envirоnmental pоlicies аnd prоjects. It empowеrs individuals tо vоice thеir cоncerns аnd activеly pаrticipаte in shaрing thеir envirоnmental future.

3. Preventiоn аnd Remediаtiоn: Envirоnmental justice seeks tо prеvеnt envirоnmental hаrm аt its sourcе аnd rectify existing injustices. It advocаtes fоr pоlicies аnd praсtiсes thаt prioritize publiс hеalth аnd envirоnmental protectiоn.

4. Transpаrency аnd Aссountability: It calls fоr transpаrent infоrmаtiоn sharing, аccountаbility оf those respоnsible fоr envirоnmental hаrm, аnd access tо legal rеmеdiеs fоr affected communitiеs.

Environmental Justice and Human Rights

Envirоnmentаl justicе is сlosely linked tо severаl humаn rights recognized by internаtionаl аgreements аnd conventions. Тhese inсlude:

1.Тhe Right tо а Heаlthy Environment:

While nоt exрlicitly mentioned in somе foundаtionаl humаn rights documеnts, thе right tо а heаlthy еnvironmеnt hаs gаinеd recоgnitiоn аs а fundаmentаl humаn right. A cleаn аnd sаfe еnvironmеnt is essentiаl for thе еnjoymеnt оf othеr humаn rights, such аs thе right tо life, heаlth, аnd аn аdequаte stаndаrd оf living.

2. Тhe Right tо Life аnd Heаlth: Aссess tо cleаn аir, wаter, аnd а sаfe еnvironmеnt dirеctly impаcts аn individuаl’s right tо life аnd heаlth. Envirоnmentаl pollution аnd hаzаrdous conditions cаn leаd tо illnеss, premаture deаth, аnd thе violаtion оf thеse rights.

3. Тhe Right tо Pаrticipаtion: Тhe right tо pаrticipаte in еnvironmеntаl decision-mаking prоcesses, аs аrticulаted in thе Aаrhus Сonvention, is а criticаl сomponent оf еnvironmеntаl justicе. It еnsurеs thаt аffected сommunities hаve а sаy in mаtters thаt dirеctly аffect thеir еnvironmеnt аnd well-being.

4. Тhe Right tо Non-Discriminаtion: Envirоnmentаl injusticеs оften disproportionаtely аffect mаrginаlized сommunities, constituting а violаtion оf thе right tо non-discriminаtion. Discriminаtоry еnvironmеntаl prаctices exаcerbаte eхisting inequаlities аnd hinder sociаl аnd ecоnоmic dеvеlopmеnt.

Key Issues Addressed by Environmental Justice

Environmental justice initiatives address a range of pressing issues, each of which has far-reaching implications for human rights:

1. Air and Water Quality:

Marginalized communities are more likely to live in areas with poor air and water quality due to the proximity of industrial facilities, transportation hubs, and other pollution sources. Access to clean air and water is a fundamental human right.

2. Hazardous Waste and Contamination:

The placement of hazardous waste sites and toxic facilities in or near disadvantaged communities has long-lasting health consequences. Environmental justice demands the cleanup of contaminated sites and prevention of further harm.

3. Climate Change and Vulnerability:

Low-income and minority communities are often more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. Addressing climate justice includes ensuring that these communities are not disproportionately affected.

4. Access to Green Spaces:

Lack of access to parks and green spaces in urban areas can negatively impact physical and mental health. Environmental justice advocates for equitable distribution of green spaces and recreational opportunities.

5. Indigenous Rights:

Indigenous communities, often residing in regions rich in natural resources, face unique environmental justice challenges. Protecting their land rights and preserving their cultural heritage are integral to environmental justice efforts.

Challenges and Paths Forward

While signifiсаnt progress hаs been mаde in recognizing envirоnmentаl justiсe аs а humаn right, numerоus сhаllenges persist:

1.Enfоrcеmеnt аnd Implеmеntаtion:

Еnsuring thаt envirоnmentаl justiсe principlеs аrе effeсtively implemented аnd enfоrced remаins а chаllenge. Тhis rеquirеs strоng regulаtоry frаmeworks, аccountаbility mеchаnisms, аnd community empоwerment.

2. Intersectiоnаlity: Recognizing аnd аddressing thе intersectionаlity оf envirоnmentаl injustiсes, including thоse relаted tо rасe, clаss, аnd gender, is essentiаl. Intersectiоnаl аpproаches cаn рrovide а mоre аccurаte understаnding оf how envirоnmentаl burdеns аrе distributed.

3. Globаl Dimensions: Environmentаl justiсe is а globаl issuе. Еnsuring thаt envirоnmentаl decisiоns аnd poliсies do not hаrm vulnerаble сommunities, whethеr thеy аrе in urbаn centers or remote regiоns, rеquirеs internаtionаl cooperаtion аnd solidаrity.

4. Climаte Justicе: Climаte chаnge posеs а signifiсаnt threаt tо thе reаlizаtion оf envirоnmentаl justiсe. Mitigаtion аnd аdаptаtion strаtegies must cоnsider thе needs аnd vulnerаbilities оf mаrginаlized сommunities. As hаs been demonstrаted envirоnmentаl justiсe is intrinsicаlly linked tо thе broаder frаmework оf humаn rights. It reсognizes thе importаnce оf fаirness, inclusivity, аnd аccountаbility in envirоnmentаl decision-mаking аnd seeks tо rectify histоricаl аnd ongoing injustiсes. As we strive fоr а mоre just аnd sustаinаble world, thе concept оf envirоnmentаl justiсe reminds us thаt thе right tо а cleаn аnd heаlthy envirоnment is а fundаmentаl humаn right thаt should be upheld fоr аll, regаrdless оf thеir bаckground or circumstаnces.

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Safeguarding Minors: A Human Rights Perspective on PayID Pokies in Australia Thu, 24 Aug 2023 12:06:06 +0000 As technology continues to shape the entertainment landscape, Australian instant withdrawal PayID casinos with online pokies have gained immense popularity. While these digital gambling options offer excitement and convenience to adult players, they also raise concerns about the protection of minors. Safeguarding minors from the potential harms of gambling is not just a moral obligation […]

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As technology continues to shape the entertainment landscape, Australian instant withdrawal PayID casinos with online pokies have gained immense popularity. While these digital gambling options offer excitement and convenience to adult players, they also raise concerns about the protection of minors. Safeguarding minors from the potential harms of gambling is not just a moral obligation but also a critical human rights issue. This article explores the human rights perspective on PayID pokies and examines the measures taken by the gaming industry to ensure the safety and well-being of minors while providing a responsible gaming environment for adult players.

The Vulnerability of Minors

Minors, individuals below the legal age for gambling (typically 18 or 21 years, depending on the jurisdiction), are particularly vulnerable to the allure of online gaming. The developing brain and lack of cognitive maturity may make them more susceptible to developing addictive behaviors. Additionally, they may lack the financial means and understanding of responsible gambling, making them more prone to harmful consequences.

Protecting minors from gambling-related harm is not only an ethical imperative but also a human rights imperative. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) recognizes the right of children to be protected from economic exploitation and harmful influences. Online gambling, including PayID pokies, falls under the purview of these rights, making it crucial to ensure robust safeguards are in place.

The Right to Protection

The UNCRC enshrines the rights of children to protection from economic exploitation, including exploitative forms of gambling. Countries that have ratified the UNCRC are bound to ensure that measures are in place to protect minors from accessing gambling activities. This includes stringent age verification processes and responsible gaming measures on online gambling platforms like PayID pokies.

Age Verification and Responsible Gaming Measures

To safeguard minors, PayID pokies operators must implement effective age verification systems. These systems help ensure that only individuals of legal age can access and play on their platforms. Various methods, such as identity verification documents and geolocation services, can be employed to confirm the age and location of players.

Moreover, responsible gaming measures play a vital role in protecting minors.

Online casinos with PayID pokies in Australia should offer self-exclusion options, allowing players to voluntarily block access to their accounts if they feel they need a break from gambling. Limit-setting tools, such as deposit limits and session time reminders, empower players to manage their gaming habits responsibly.

By incorporating age verification and responsible gaming measures, operators create a safer gaming environment for adult players while actively preventing underage access to gambling activities.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness among parents, caregivers, and educators about the risks of minors accessing online gambling is essential. Online casinos can contribute to this awareness by providing information on their platforms about the importance of keeping gambling activities restricted to adults only.

Additionally, education programs can be initiated to inform young people about the potential harms of gambling, the risks of addiction, and the legal age restrictions for participation. Empowering minors with knowledge about responsible gambling practices can help them make informed choices when they reach the legal age.

Advertising and Marketing Restrictions

The gaming industry must adhere to responsible advertising and marketing practices to avoid inadvertently targeting minors. PayID online pokies operators should ensure that their promotional materials are not appealing to children and that they do not use imagery or language that might attract underage audiences.

Strict marketing restrictions should be in place to prevent the inadvertent exposure of minors to gambling advertisements. Responsible advertising practices are a vital component of protecting minors and promoting a safer gaming environment.

Reporting and Responding to Concerns

Players and members of the public should have a clear avenue to report concerns about potential underage gambling on PayID pokies platforms. Operators must take such reports seriously and promptly investigate any suspected breaches of age restrictions.

Additionally, operators should have trained staff who can respond to concerns appropriately and provide resources for support if underage gambling is identified. Collaborating with external organizations that specialize in child protection and addiction support can further strengthen these responses.


Safeguarding minors from the potential harms of gambling is a human rights issue that demands collective action from society, governments, and the gaming industry. As online entertainment, including PayID pokies, continues to evolve, it becomes essential to ensure that responsible gaming practices are upheld, and age restrictions are strictly enforced.

The UNCRC emphasizes the right of children to be protected from harmful influences, and this includes exposure to online gambling. Age verification measures, responsible gaming tools, awareness campaigns, and strict marketing restrictions all play a crucial role in safeguarding minors.

The gaming industry has a responsibility to uphold these human rights principles and create a safe and responsible gaming environment for adult players while protecting minors from potential harm. By working together and prioritizing the protection of minors, the industry can demonstrate its commitment to human rights and contribute to a safer and more responsible online gaming landscape.

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6 Reasons to Know Human Rights and in Which Spheres It Is Most Important? Mon, 29 Aug 2022 10:01:50 +0000 Every person has certain rights that ensure his or her safety, freedom, health, property, and similar essentials. They are called human rights, and they help to avoid misguidance, lies, robbery, abuse, private data corruption, and something of the kind. Human rights are tightly related to the law. In case your rights are violated by the […]

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Every person has certain rights that ensure his or her safety, freedom, health, property, and similar essentials. They are called human rights, and they help to avoid misguidance, lies, robbery, abuse, private data corruption, and something of the kind. Human rights are tightly related to the law. In case your rights are violated by the government, state, or individuals, the law protects you.

All future lawyers and judges lean on human rights as one of the compulsory subjects. Thanks to this knowledge, they become true experts. This subject is pretty complicated, and they frequently buy law essays online. When you know your rights, you are much safer at any rate. We will explain why human rights are important and in what spheres they are crucial.

Ensure Your Basic Needs

One of the first and most significant functions of human rights is to acknowledge people about their basic needs.  These are the needs for food and water, shelter, medicine, clothes, and similar stuff. This knowledge ensures your dignity. Many people are still unaware of these basic needs and rights.

Protection of Vulnerable Groupings

There are many social layers that fall under the term “vulnerable groups”. For example, the genocide of Jews during World War II. There are many similar cases during hundreds and thousands of years of human generation. Human rights protect those layers or nations for less than a hundred years because they are relatively new.

Equal Social Status

Thanks to human rights, you will be an equal member of the community. They show that society must respect all its members equally and never give more privileges to someone. You deserve the same status as others in your community.

Freedom of Speech and Expression

The United States of America is a country of equality and freedom. Everyone has the right to speak freely without fear of reprisal. It does not mean others will agree with what you say. Nonetheless, you can express your ideas and beliefs without getting into danger. No one can hush you, including the government.

You Can Love Who You Want

We all know that the concept of gender and sexual relations is crucial in American society. Human rights claim that you are free to choose who to love. It may be a person of the same gender or any nationality. No one has the right to abuse you due to your love preferences or punish you.

They Make Government Accountable

As long as the US government protects the rights of its citizens, it remains accountable. If the government does not keep an eye on what it promised, American citizens can ignore its laws. Of course, this concept is applied to every country because equality is crucial. Yet, many governments do not care about their citizens.

Sphere Where Human Rights Are Crucial

We would like to end our article with 5 spheres where human rights are significant. Make allowances for the next ones:

Sphere Example
EducationVarious organizations and governments offer every person schooling, supplies, and something of the kind. Human rights show that everybody can access education and this access is equal for all. It works, at least, for schooling. Higher education demands some fees and advanced knowledge.
ReligionThe world is full of various kinds of religion. Human rights show that every person has the right to select any religion or deny them all. This is the right of everyone. For example, nobody has the right to make you follow any religion.
WorkplaceHuman rights clarify your rights in the workplace. For example, they claim that your employer cannot make you work more than 8 hours per day unless you agree to it or additional fees are added to your salary. This knowledge helps you to avoid being used.
PressThanks to human rights, people understand what can be demanded by others to make this information public. We all know the press in the USA is free and so no one can disguise certain information. This knowledge is offered to all citizens.
InformationWe live in an era of information of all kinds. Not all people understand what personal data can be spread and what should be disguised. Human rights clarify this crucial point. You can access certain data, as well as keep your private data secret.

The Bottom Line

Human rights are of huge importance for every living person. They are the guarantee that you will not be cheated, misguided, offended, rejected, and so on. If you do not know your rights, your life may turn into a real nightmare. That is why we have provided this article. It clarifies the importance of human rights and where they can be used. Be sure you know them to be able to protect yourself.

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Is IncParadise the best company to start an LLC in Virginia? Wed, 29 Jun 2022 11:09:18 +0000 IncParadise is a company that offers services for starting your own business and LLC. This review will take a close look at IncParadise, its features, pricing, and more. We’ll also provide a comparison with other similar products on the market. Inc Paradise is one of the best companies to start an LLC in Virginia IncParadise […]

The post Is IncParadise the best company to start an LLC in Virginia? appeared first on U.H.Rights.

IncParadise is a company that offers services for starting your own business and LLC. This review will take a close look at IncParadise, its features, pricing, and more. We’ll also provide a comparison with other similar products on the market.

Inc Paradise is one of the best companies to start an LLC in Virginia

IncParadise was founded in 2004 by entrepreneurs who saw the need for a simple and efficient way to start a business. Today, IncParadise is one of the leading company which help to start a llc in Virginia or in the other US state.

Is IncParadise legit?

IncParadise is a legitimate company that has been in business since 2004. The company is headquartered in Nevada, USA. It is registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has an A+ rating.

IncParadise overview

IncParadise offers three plans for starting your business in Virginia: Basic, Standard, and Deluxe. The Basic plan includes the filing of Articles of Incorporation and registered agent service. The Standard plan includes everything in the Basic plan, plus a corporate kit and seal. The Deluxe plan includes everything in the Standard plan, plus an LLC Operating Agreement and EIN (Employer Identification Number).

IncParadise pricing

IncParadise offers three plans for starting your own business: Basic, Standard, and Deluxe. The Basic plan costs $149, the Standard plan costs $229, and the Deluxe plan costs $349.

The cheapest IncParadise plan,

The cheapest plan costs $149. It includes the following services:

  • Filing of Articles of Incorporation
  • Registered Agent Service

Average IncParadise plan,

The average plan costs $229. It includes the following services:

  • Filing of Articles of Incorporation
  • Registered Agent Service
  • Corporate Kit and Seal

The most expensive IncParadise plan,

The most expensive plan costs $349. It includes the following services:

  • Filing of Articles of Incorporation
  • Registered Agent Service
  • Corporate Kit and Seal
  • LLC Operating Agreement
  • EIN (Employer Identification Number)

IncParadise pros and cons

IncParadise has many positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. The company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has an A+ rating. Some of the advantages of IncParadise include its experience (the company has been in business since 2004), its customer service, and its money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Main advantages of Inc Paradise

  • The company has been in business since 2004
  • It is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has an A+ rating
  • It offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee
  • It has positive customer reviews and testimonials
  • It provides excellent customer service

Main disadvantages of Inc Paradise

  • It is more expensive than some of its competitors
  • It does not offer a free trial period
  • Some customers have reported that they had difficulty canceling their account

IncParadise contacts

If you need to contact IncParadise, you can do so by phone at 1-800-345-2677 or email at

Comparison with other products

IncParadise is more expensive than some of its competitors, but it is also more experienced (the company has been in business since 2004) and offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee.


IncParadise is a legitimate company that has been in business since 2004. It is registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has an A+ rating. The company offers three plans for starting your own business: Basic, Standard, and Deluxe. The Basic plan costs $149, the Standard plan costs $229, and the Deluxe plan costs $349. IncParadise has many positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  1. IncParadise is more expensive than some of its competitors.
  2. The company does not offer a free trial period.
  3. Some customers have reported that they had difficulty canceling their accounts.


What is IncParadise?

IncParadise is a company that offers services for starting your own business and LLC.

How much does IncParadise cost?

IncParadise offers three plans for starting your own business: Basic, Standard, and Deluxe. The Basic plan costs $149, the Standard plan costs $229, and the Deluxe plan costs $349.

What are the advantages of IncParadise?

Some of the advantages of IncParadise include its experience (the company has been in business since 2004), its customer service, and its money-back satisfaction guarantee.

What are the disadvantages of IncParadise?

First, IncParadise is more expensive than some of its competitors. Second, the company does not offer a free trial period. Finally, some customers have reported that they had difficulty canceling their accounts.

How can I contact IncParadise?

You can contact IncParadise by phone at 1-800-345-2677 or by email at

The post Is IncParadise the best company to start an LLC in Virginia? appeared first on U.H.Rights.

Barriers To Implementation of Human Rights Justice Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:54:52 +0000 Human rights justice is an area that has a lot of challenges. There are many cases of violation of human rights worldwide. When it comes to implementation of the justice, various problems arise hence making the work challenging and posing the unreliability challenge. Each challenge comes with its issues that make it tough to handle. […]

The post Barriers To Implementation of Human Rights Justice appeared first on U.H.Rights.

Human rights justice is an area that has a lot of challenges. There are many cases of violation of human rights worldwide. When it comes to implementation of the justice, various problems arise hence making the work challenging and posing the unreliability challenge.

Each challenge comes with its issues that make it tough to handle. Having some awareness about the possible challenges that arise in the course of getting justice will help to come up with a sober way of getting the solutions.

Below are some of the barriers that will make the implementation of justice difficult to achieve. Here are some of the problems you are likely to encounter.

Unfair justice system

It is not rare to find a justice system that is compromised. People go to seek justice and then find injustice itself in the justice system. There are very high chances that the people within the system will make it quite difficult for whoever is seeking justice to maneuver and get the justice.

Moreover, there are people who communicate with the perpetrators and league with them to ensure that the affected persons do not get justice. They gather information about what the affected person wants to do and gives it to the accused party.

Some people use bribes to the people in the justice area to ensure that the person seeking for justice does not get it. The outcome is that the case gets delayed to such a point that the affected person gives up. some justice systems are corrupt and compromised.

Inadequate funds to execute policies and strategies

Most of the organizations that work with the human rights have a funds problem. They rely on donations and the government to fund them. As a result of limited cash, they end up doing incomplete processes which block the implementation of justice.

Funds inadequacy is a challenge that most countries experience. it is not so easy to have the governments setting aside money for justice matters. Some people also do not have the access to funds to have their cases processed. They cannot hire lawyers and have adequate to manage through the law.

Poor accountability

Poor accountability is a big problem that is affecting very many human rights institutions. You will notice that the persons involved in the whole processes of seeking justice for human rights are not able to account for various factors within the system.

The challenge that comes with poor accountability is that the cases end up failing. Lack of evidence is the first thing that appears and then the other things follow. Poor accountability also results to poor record keeping which makes it hard to trace the events that happened and the time that the specific events took place. The process of making follow ups also becomes very difficult making the justice follow up very difficult.

Poor investigation of the arising cases

Sometime the process of investigation brings about the whole problem. Once there is a problem that is related to injustice, the investigating officers do a shallow investigation. During presentation at the courts, they end up having insufficient evidence about specific cases.

Sometime the perpetrators of the violation get in touch with the investigating personnel. They interfere with the whole process using bribes or threats hence compromising the investigators.

Having investigation work that is poorly done is a challenge that will lead in the bad implementation of the whole process. The chances of getting justice are limited in this case. When the accusing part has very limited to do, justice becomes difficult to get.

Poor implementation of the verdicts

Implementation of the verdicts is another big problem. After people have gone through the justice system and the courts have made their ruling, implementation become another problem. The verdict enforcers are another team that is likely to bring about more problem.

Some ignore the orders from the courts and take tokens from the accused person. They end up becoming friends and then delay the justice to the persons who are affected. Sometimes they even advice the persons so that they become tactical in fulfilling the verdict making justice become a lifetime hassle.

Unclear policies and outcome of offence

It is also possible that you will see the unclear policies. These confuse people as they do not know which offence it is and the kind of punishment it carries. It also becomes difficult to understand which problem needs what kind of a solution.

Even the affected persons do not understand what they should do when they have such challenges. Some do not know how they are supposed to preserve and present their evidence. Having illiterate officers is another problem. Implementation of the policies and understanding their role becomes a very difficult problem.

Constitutional challenges

The constitution is the document of the law. However, it needs lawyers who can confidently stand and know the exact section that a specific violation belongs to. The cost of hiring lawyers is not cheap. It is quite expensive and may probably lead to failure of the whole justice system.

Sometimes you find that the person accused of the offence decides to hire an expensive and a more professional lawyer. Such a lawyer is likely to win the case making the person whose rights have been violated lose. This is a problem that comes with the rate of poverty and the ability of the constitution to speak for itself.

Lack of understanding about the human rights

How well do you think you understand your rights? Are there possibilities that you are having some rights that are getting violated without your conscience. This is not a rare challenge as there are many people whose rights get violated and they do not know where to go or what to do.

In the first place, some do not know that there is a problem of violation of their rights. There are very high chances that they will not make follow ups. It is also very possible that the persons involved in the offence will take advantage of the situation to cause more harm.

Protection of the perpetrators  

Sometimes the perpetrators get protection from the people who are supposed to hold them accountable. It is not strange to have a person who need to implement justice trying to advice the parties to solve the problem outside the courts.

In such a case the problem is finished at a friendly stage. The affected person does not get justice and they are left complaining without getting any answers.


There are various barriers that will make implementation of justice a big problem. You need to have some clarity about the justice system and the likely problems then come up with a way of managing it. However, getting justice can be tedious.

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Challenges Of Human Rights Organization Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:52:53 +0000 Human rights organizations have a direct involvement with the protection and upholding justice for the affected persons. They work hand in hand with the government institutions to ensure that matters of human rights are in order. However, their work is not ease as there are many things that hinder their work. Some are problems within […]

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Human rights organizations have a direct involvement with the protection and upholding justice for the affected persons. They work hand in hand with the government institutions to ensure that matters of human rights are in order.

However, their work is not ease as there are many things that hinder their work. Some are problems within the institutions while others are external. The external challenges come from institutions which do not believe in upholding human rights. We have some of the challenges that makes the work of the organizations tough.

Democracy problems

It is undeniable that not all countries in the world have proper democracy. Some have a problem that is not quite easy to solve. You will find a country that the government calls a democratic nation but it has big traces of autocracy.

Such countries have a problem because they do not watch the human rights. Manipulation and stopping the human rights organizations becomes the biggest challenge. some will even cause harm to their people and deny them the justice.

When the organizations file claims that need justice, nothing happens. In fact, they are ignored and even the courts ignore them. When courts choose to handle the cases, the government ignores their directives and becomes a threat to the law society.


Impunity especially in the government is a big problem to the human right organizations. Some of the government officials will not allow human rights to be observed. They will even choose to have the defenders blocked and falsely accused to have their selfish interests.

People in the societies have also become something else. The security agencies that are supposed to protect human rights have become a threat to human rights. Social evils among the society have also become a normal thing as gender-based violence and demeaning of genders have become a normal thing.

Violence and extreme conflicts

Violence is another problem that has brought the human right organizations to a standstill. Most of the human rights defenders have become victims of conflict and violence. People in societies who try to defend their rights and raise the injustice voice end up experiencing violence.

Some countries are used to violence and extreme conflicts which makes it quite difficult to bring about the human rights issues. Everyone lives understanding that they must manipulate the rights of other people to survive. They even feel good after they manipulate the rights of the human rights defenders themselves.

Religious and traditional brainwashing

There are religions which believe in submission even when the rights of its people are in danger. Traditional brainwashing brings about the imbalance between people. Others are superior than the rest and have the chance to manipulate the rights of other people so that they gain the superiority.

Religious institutions and human right watch institutions should work together. But some religions have branded the human rights institutions as the problem to their problem. They want to live with the outdated behaviors that involve manipulation of human rights.

Some communities experience a challenge as its people believe that standing up for their rights is a curse. They end up allowing themselves to the hands of the perpetrators. These perpetrators do not care that other people have rights too.


Poverty is the major cause of the ignorance of human rights. People are ready to have their rights manipulated so that they make their living. It is also not rare to have some people exposing themselves to the perpetrators so that they make their daily income.

Some people travel to the countries that have serious extremism against human rights and try to seek for jobs from there. They end up experiencing same challenge and some even die in the areas. Even after seeing people dying in such areas, we have very many people flocking in those areas.

People living under poverty do not have adequate resources to seek justice when their rights are manipulated. When they involve the human rights organizations, they become a threat to their locality. As result, most people choose to silently die with their problems.

Global inequality

It is not strange or wrong to say that most areas in the world are not balanced. We have the areas that have a problem with genders. Some have a problem with color complexions like we have heard the black people being called monkeys.

Specific nationals have also become a threat to other nations and will experience denial of rights once they go to those countries. Poverty has also stopped many countries from having the institutions that will manage the watching of the human rights. Even if they are the ones sponsoring the institutions, they do not get adequate funding for them

Torture of human rights defenders

Human right defenders have off late undergone a lot of torture. It has happened to specific countries that have strong believers of injustice. Some influential persons are willing to use money to have the human rights defenders arrested and tortured so that they end their mission.

Some even get in the hands of those people who violate the rights of other people. The encounters the human right defenders experience is equal to having their own rights violated. Some even die while trying to seek justice for other people whose rights have been violated.


Insecurity is a big hinderance to the execution of the human rights defense. The areas that have the highest rate of insecurity also experience the extreme issues related to human rights violation. These are the areas where men undergo torture, women get raped and the children become victims of psychological torture

It is very challenging to have institutions in areas that have war. Such organizations even if they are present work under extreme fear. Achieving the mission to protect human rights is almost impossible as some are not willing to expose their lives to danger.

Weak institutions

Weak institutions are a big hinderance towards observance of the human rights. Imagine having a weak justice system and human rights organizations. Cases are presented and then the speed of action is very low. The cases that need some justice take a very long time to get a solution.

It can be very discouraging to have the institutions that are there physically but with regards to work they are absent. One thing that will happen is that the organizations themselves will begi to violate the rights of other people.

It is important to have organizations that will be vibrant and able to address the challenges without fear. By doing so people will have a reason to promote the observance of the human rights.


Human rights are essential for the development of the society. They experience various challenges that make them less active and influential. Some challenges are easy to address while others will take years to address.

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Effects Of Discrimination on Human Rights Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:49:54 +0000 Discrimination is one of the barriers when it comes to implementing justice measures for human rights. It has various effects that it comes along with. The bad thing with these effects that arise from discrimination is that discrimination becomes a violation to human rights. All the things that associate with discrimination are by themselves inhuman. […]

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Discrimination is one of the barriers when it comes to implementing justice measures for human rights. It has various effects that it comes along with. The bad thing with these effects that arise from discrimination is that discrimination becomes a violation to human rights.

All the things that associate with discrimination are by themselves inhuman. Some come from individuals and some are from organizations. It is also possible to find a whole institution working against a specific group of people.  Discrimination has more effects than good.

The effects of discrimination are adverse and affect even the justice system. the human rights organizations become less effective when there is too much discrimination.

Discrimination brings about fear

Discrimination is the source of fear especially for people who have undergone it. The chances are that they will have fear to seek the justice even when they have undergone so much injustice. Most people will also fear the incidences that brought about the cases of injustice.

Protecting personal and other people rights becomes a challenge that may also be very tough to observe. The reason is that people will fear to undergo the kind of discrimination that comes along with the manipulation of their rights.

There are forms of human violence that also bring about fear. One possible thing that most people are likely to have tough times with is the inhuman acts that result to shame. People who get sodomized or raped tend to have fear especially when the people discriminate them.

Poor service delivery

Service delivery becomes poor in areas that have discrimination. A good example is when the people operating in a specific office have a view against the people who have undergone inhuman acts. Such include the LGBTQ and the other less fortunate people in our societies.

As they try to seek for justice, they end up losing it because the system they have to manage through is discriminative. It is also very challenging for the people to deliver services in a situation that they know the end result will not be fair.

Organizations that defend human rights may have staff who at times undergo discrimination. Such people are likely to deliver poor services to the people they serve. They get afraid when other people regard them as supporters of people who don’t deserve to be in those communities.

Barriers to communication

Discrimination has a direct contribution to the barriers of communication. This happens especially when people have an attitude to a specific group of people. You can imagine someone going to seek justice in a place that his group of association undergoes discrimination.

When these people try to express themselves, the persons who are supposed to listen to them choose to ignore them. The chances of unfairness also increase with the process of seeking justice. Some do not get understood even at the courts hence making the process less effective because of the communication barrier.

 Feeling of inferiority

A discriminated person feels inferior. They tend to feel less which also makes them less effective. Having such a feeling makes them live below their standards. You will also notice that people who feel less have a weaker system to stand for what is rightly theirs.

There are also very high chances that the discriminated persons will undergo violation of their rights even more. The violators have an idea that even when these people try to seek for justice, they will not make it.

They therefore end up causing more harm to the affected persons. They become victim of circumstances. This is the reason why we hear one person has undergone gang raping several times.

Lack of balance in resources

Discrimination brings about imbalance in the allocation of resources. People who live inn specific areas are termed as those that do not deserve and do not get the services they need. Their rights end up getting more violated in all areas are very high. Most people will get a chance to manipulate them hence lowering their allocation.

In some instances, the organizations that are responsible for the disbursement of the funds choose to leave some areas out. The areas that are left behind are those that they feel do not deserve the allocations.

As a result, you will have the specific areas having problems with observing human rights. Others will perform so well but these areas have no adequate allocation. The efforts to have solutions and justice end becoming useless.

Oppression of the less fortunate

Part of discrimination is oppression of the less fortunate. The major challenge is that the persons affected end up getting challenging moments. The surprising thing is that they end up becoming the victims of other challenges.

Moreover, there are people who get discriminated from the justice system because they do not have adequate money to push their cases through. Some of the justice staff need some bribes to have the cases working.

In case they do not get anything from the people who cannot afford, they end up discriminating them. In the fight of their rights, they lose even before the cases get to the hearing stages.

Increased violation of human rights        

In places that have a lot of discrimination, there are also increased rate of human rights violation. What happens is that people ignore the rights of other people because they know there is no one who will old them accountable.

They also know that whoever tries to hold them accountable must lose because there is discrimination that will work. Violation of rights especially in areas that experience war becomes a norm. carelessness becomes a routine as people know that they will discriminate whoever they are manipulating for their own good.                                                                                                                                                                      

Delayed or no justice

Justice never comes when there is discrimination especially from those that are supposed to execute justice. One thing you are likely to encounter is that the delayed justice because of the slow process. Some people will deliberately delay the process so that they make some money from it.

One thing that turns out to be the biggest challenge is when the person who has violated the rights of another pers. On influences the system. it ends up becoming double tragedy because discrimination becomes injustice by itself. In fact, it is a violation against the human rights.

It is also possible that when the time people get justice under system of discrimination. By the time the system gets to a point or rewarding the person undergoing discrimination it is too late.


Discrimination has a lot of effects when it comes to fulfilment of human rights. Most discrimination issues never get justice.  The effects are extreme because they compromise the justice system and the whole aspect of implementation of the observance of huma rights.

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Why are we talking about people’s rights and not their responsibilities? Fri, 25 Jun 2021 05:27:11 +0000 Although some philosophers and NGOs have put forward strong arguments in favor of defining the measure of people's responsibility and have even presented "codes" and "declarations" in defense of this argument, the human rights community as a whole has remained silent on this debate.

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Although some philosophers and NGOs have put forward strong arguments in favor of defining the measure of people’s responsibility and have even presented “codes” and “declarations” in defense of this argument, the human rights community as a whole has remained silent on this debate. The reason is that many governments make the “bestowal” of rights conditional on certain duties imposed on people by a government or ruler, making the very idea of human rights inherently meaningless. And yet, of course, all of us – individuals and groups – must take the rights of others seriously, not abuse them, but respect them as our own. And in this light, Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that: “1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. 2. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

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Who monitors human rights? Sat, 17 Apr 2021 18:00:11 +0000 We all have to monitor it. There are laws, both national and international, that limit the freedom of governments to act against their citizens, but if no one points out to them that they are violating international norms by their actions, governments can continue to violate with impunity.

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We all have to monitor it. There are laws, both national and international, that limit the freedom of governments to act against their citizens, but if no one points out to them that they are violating international norms by their actions, governments can continue to violate with impunity. Each of us, as individuals, should not only respect the rights of others in our daily lives, but also keep a close eye on the actions of our governments and those of others. Rights protection systems exist so that we can all benefit from them.

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Does anyone have a responsibility to protect my rights? Sun, 11 Apr 2021 18:00:56 +0000 Yes. A right is meaningless unless someone has a corresponding responsibility and duty.

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Yes. A right is meaningless unless someone has a corresponding responsibility and duty. Everyone has a moral obligation not to infringe on your personal dignity, but your government, by signing international agreements, has not only a moral responsibility but also a legal one.

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